Missionary, God Follower, Teacher, Mathematician, Chronically Late, Knitter, Singer, Musician, Eternal Optimist, Traveller, Coffee Lover, Photographer... Just a Day in the Life!

Tuesday 27 September 2011


York woke this week to a bit of a surprise; sunshine! According to the weather forecast, there is going to be a heatwave this week and every day will be sunny and hot! It seems to be the remnants of a summer that never was and I'm suddenly glad I'm not organised enough to have packed away my summer clothes yet :)

It has reminded me of a part of God we sometimes neglect; that He is a God of surprises. He is a God without limits, that can't be put in a box or given boundaries. Well, you can, but if you give God limitations then you run the risk of Him only working within them. If, however, you acknowledge that God is capable of "immeasurably more than all you can ask or imagine" (Ephesians 3:20) then suddenly you are asking God not to work inside of limits you've set, but allowing Him to work outside of limits altogether! What amazing things we would witness, if only we were brave enough to ask God to do more than we could imagine, and had the faith that He would deliver!

Not that we can direct God, or decide what He can or cannot do (those church leaders who think that Jesus is returning on October the 'whatever' need to read their Bible again because that's not the God I serve). What I'm saying is: what makes us think that, if we ask God for small things, He will deliver big ones?

Think BIG! Ask God to do 'immeasurably [abundantly, excessively, unfathomably, indefinitely, boundlessly, endlessly, infinitely] more' than you are capable of asking or imagining and then watch what He does... Let the God of surprises show you just what He's capable of and I am certain that, when He does, you will never again try to set Him within your limits.

Now go outside and enjoy the sunshine ;)


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