Missionary, God Follower, Teacher, Mathematician, Chronically Late, Knitter, Singer, Musician, Eternal Optimist, Traveller, Coffee Lover, Photographer... Just a Day in the Life!

Friday 10 January 2014

I Like Unpredictable

I was talking to God yesterday and out of the blue He asked me a very big question. "Julia, why do you love me?" After a moment of surprise that God had asked me that question, I started answering! If God asks you a question, you can't very well ignore it, can you?! I started listing as many reasons I could think of; because of His grace, and love, because He died for me, because He chose me, because He's always there for me and will never let me down...

However, I got to a certain point in my long list and I started to think about the question. There are many obvious reasons that I love God (try listing them for yourself), but I wanted a reason, a 'proper' answer. Or at least, I had this feeling that God was looking for one particular, perhaps unique, answer; for me to truly think of one reason. Could I? Apart from all the obvious reasons to love God, could I think of one truly 'original' answer to the question to give God?

And then, it struck me. "God, I love you because you make life unpredictable." The world is full of people living predictable lives; they get up, maybe get the kids ready for school (if they have one/some), go to work, do their job, come home, spend time with family, watch TV, go to bed, do it all again the next day. Now, there is nothing wrong with any of this. It is a reasonable way to spend your life so I'm certainly not looking to judge ot insult people's way of life. In fact, this is often how God calls people to live their lives; to be a misssionary in their home and work place and local pub. However, those that live this life without God at the centre of it... Well, I don't know how people cope.

Call me crazy but I love the idea that nothing is certain; that at any moment God might call me to leave my job, my home or even this country and put me somewhere else entirely! Perhaps I am unusual, but I can blame God for that one. He made me this way. I love that God's plan for my life is a big surprise and while I know what I have planned for this week, those plans could change. And I have no idea where I'll be a year from now.
So when God asked me why I love Him, it seemed like the perfect answer. There are so many reasons I love Him; He is my first love, my life saver, my everything. But for me, the most exciting part of life with God is this: life with God is unpredictable and I love it!