Missionary, God Follower, Teacher, Mathematician, Chronically Late, Knitter, Singer, Musician, Eternal Optimist, Traveller, Coffee Lover, Photographer... Just a Day in the Life!

Monday 3 October 2011

Beauty Is...

I was on my bicycle today, enjoying the last of the surprisingly hot weather that's hit the UK this past week. I was cycling along, looking around me at the wonderful fields, wildlife, trees, sunset... And I thought to myself; God has provided us with such a beautiful world. You may have noticed this already. If so, well done! If not, where have you been?

The thing is, that as I noticed this (not for the first time, by the way. I was aware of it, I'm just reminded of this fact now and again); as I thanked God for His breathtaking creation and looked around at the evidence of a creative God, I began to think of myself - not in a conceited way - and how the same creative God has created me. And so I considered; if I look at this world and am speechless at it's beauty, then surely God must look at me (and you) and be beyond speechless at our beauty! What a thought!

If a sunset, to God, is a lovely thing to look at then how much more must we, the pinnacle of His creation, be a marvellous and beautiful thing to look at. And it's true; the more I thought the more I realised that God must look at me and, though He sees my sin, be so pleased with His handiwork! When God created the world, HE saw it was good. After He had created man and woman, the Bible tells us that God looked at the world and declared that it was VERY good. We are the icing on top of a beautiful cake, the pièce de résistance... What an honour, what a responsibility!

So next time you look in the mirror and see only flaws, ask God to help you see yourself the way He sees you. Don't put yourself down because when you do, you are insulting God - saying His creation is not good enough! You are handmade by the Almighty, and the Almighty doesn't make junk!

Psalm 139:14 "I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well."


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