Missionary, God Follower, Teacher, Mathematician, Chronically Late, Knitter, Singer, Musician, Eternal Optimist, Traveller, Coffee Lover, Photographer... Just a Day in the Life!

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Snow Day!

OK, yes, it's been a while :) That could possibly be the understatement of the year... though the year has only just begun!

I considered that 2013 may well be a good year to get my blog back up and running after an entire year without a post! If all goes according to plan (God's plan I hope) I should be in The Gambia soon doing mission work! This will be for at least a year, so I should have plenty to blog about! Until then I shall keep you all apprised of my plans as well as my days leading up to the trip.

Yesterday was a great day - the first snow of the season! If you don't already know this about me, you should - I LOVE snow! I get all giddy and excited whenever I see it falling outside and when it started coming down today, it really came down. I just had to put my coat and hat on, grab my camera (I got a lovely new Canon SLR for my birthday last month) and go to take some pictures in the snow.

There are some horses that live in a field near our house and I decided to take some apples and see if I could bribe them into posing for me. They were more than happy:


And then, as if that wasn't enough, I woke today to find that Jack Frost had been and that everything looked like a winter wonderland - all covered in snow and ice...

It's days like these and scenes like that, which make me realise how amazing God is. What a creation He made, what an imagination He has, and how good He is to make me a part of that wonderful creation.


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